11 March, 2015
Kassensaal, OeNB, Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, A-1090 Vienna
In reply to the financial crisis, “Great Recession” and sovereign debt crisis, many central banks have pursued ultra-easy and far reaching unconventional monetary policies for several years. Yields on various bond classes – including euro area sovereign bond yields since the sovereign debt crisis has subsided – have reached very low levels. Prices on stocks and real assets have soared. In several countries, markets have been expecting a reversal of the interest rate cycle for some time now. As a result the risk of – possibly substantial – price corrections in all these asset classes may be seen to have increased. This environment poses challenges for banks’ asset liability and risk management as well as earnings. Institutional investors facing yield pressure may resort to more risky strategies, established forms of investment strategies may no longer be viable. This conference brings together financial practitioners, academics, supervisors and policy makers to jointly discuss relevant challenges, scenarios, options and risks in this situation. Lessons from history are explored, a bird’s eye perspective from academia and international institutions as well as inside views from industry practitioners are provided. Possible consequences for financial stability, the macroeconomy at large as well as adequate policy responses are discussed.
Conference Proceedings No 2015/2 “Asset-Liability Management with Ultra-low Interest Rates” (pdf)
Interest rate cycles and implications for the financial sector – a long term view
Richard S. Grossman, Professor of Economics at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT and a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University presentationBanking - conceptual and related issues
Philip Molyneux, Professor of Banking and Finance Bangor University presentationEffects of ultra-low interest rates and unconventional monetary policy on bank profitability, risk-taking and soundness
Frederic Lambert, IMF presentationThe perspective of a large global bank
Claude Moser, Head of Group Asset Liability Management, UBS presentationThe perspective of an Austrian internationally diversified universal bank
Paul Kocher, Chief Treasury Officer, Raiffeisenbank International presentationInstitutional investors’ perspectives overview
Helmut Gründl, Professor, Goethe University Frankfurt presentation(Life) insurance perspective
Dario Focarelli, Direttore Generale Associazione Nazionale fra le Imprese Assicuratrici presentationBubbles and central banks - historical perspective
Isabel Schnabel, Chair of Financial Economics Gutenberg School of Management and Economics Universität Mainz; Sachverständigenrat presentationMicroprudential bank supervisor’s perspective
Korbinian Ibel, Director General, Micro-Prudential Supervision IV, SSMAsset liability management at insurance companies: A supervisor’s perspective
Wolfgang Herold, Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) presentationUltra-easy monetary policies: Risks and benefits for the financial system
Olivier Garnier, Group Chief Economist of Société Générale presentation