Société Générale”s U.S. Headquartes
245 Park Avenue (btw 46th & 47th Streets)
New York, NY 10167
Town Hall, 5th Floor
Protectionism is major theme in the political debate. Flows across borders, be it immigration, trade or capital, are under scrutiny. Financial and economic integration is being challenged. The theme played an important role in the Brexit, the 2016 US Presidential election and is visibly present in the electoral calendar in Europe. In the emerging world, the dynamics of capital flows, including China’s policies to stem outflows and insulate its overleveraged financial system, continue to be central.
Bringing together leading policymakers, experts and practitioners form both sides of the Atlantic, the second SUERF conference held in the United States, organised in cooperation with Columbia University | SIPA, the European Investment Bank and Société Générale, offers the opportunity to debate globalisation and the international economic order from a transatlantic perspective. The conference will address the following key questions: Are euro area institutions robust enough to tackle a new crisis and weather changing globalisation patterns? Is the slowdown in global trade cyclical, structural and/or political? What are the implications of shifts in the global savings glut for financial stability? What role have central bank balance sheets played, and what will normalisation bring? What shape will Europe take post-Brexit and post the 2017 elections?
Gradual and Predictable: Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
Simon Potter, Executive Vice President, Head of Markets Group, SOMA Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of New YorkMaintaining price stability with unconventional monetary policy measures
Peter Praet, Executive Board Member, European Central Bank