Low interest rates mechanically offer more policy room and consensus is that governments should make full use hereof to combat the headwinds from the Covid-19 crisis; even in those countries with already high debt levels. A lively debate is already emerging as to whether, this time, higher public debt will come with higher inflation. Non-financial corporations are also set to see debt levels increase from often high starting points and even prior to the crisis this was a source of concern. Question is whether the 2020 crisis will mark a turning point that will see capital favoured over debt, and what this could mean both for real investment and financial asset prices.
Participation in this conference is open to all SUERF Members (Personal Members and all employees from SUERF Member Institutions).
Finding the right “Hall of mirrors”? The mixed blessings of lessons from the past for shaping a post-COVID future
Robert Holzmann, Governor, Oesterreichische NationalbankThe pandemic and ECB monetary policy
Philip R Lane, ECB Chief Economist and Member of the ECB’s Executive BoardPresentation by Philip R Lane
Financial infrastructure and cross-Atlantic monetary transmission
Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Chairman, Société GénéraleLessons from the successes and failures of the responses to the Pandemic Economic Crisis
Joseph E Stiglitz, University Professor, Columbia UniversityRisks and vulnerabilities in the corporate sector as a result of the COVID-19 crisis: the experience of Spain
Pablo Hernández de Cos, Governor, Banco de EspañaSpeech by P. Hernández de Cos
Central banks’ response to the “tragedy on the horizon”
François Villeroy de Galhau, Governor, Banque de FranceSpeech by François Villeroy de Galhau