Banca d’ Italia
Via Nazionale 190 Rome
Centro Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
& online via Webex
The focus of the conference, jointly organized by Bank of Italy and SUERF – The European Money and Finance forum, is on the determinants of the rise and fall of inflation in the post-pandemic period, the implications of a fast-changing inflation environment on agents’ behaviour and expectations, and challenges for policymakers. We aim to provide a platform for researchers from academia, central banks, and other policy institutions to present and discuss their findings related to inflation dynamics and expectations and policy reactions.
Organising committee: Ernest Gnan | SUERF, Marianna Riggi, Tiziano Ropele, Alex Tagliabracci |Bank of Italy
Subjective Infation Expectations of Households: Implications for Infation Targeting
Michael Weber, Chicago Booth I SUERF Fellow presentationThe causal effect of inflation uncertainty on households beliefs and actions Coibion
Dimitris Georgarakos, ECB presentationCo-author(s): Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Olivier Coibion, Geoff Kenny
Speaking of inflation the influence of Fed speeches on expectations
Eleonora Granziera, Norges Bank presentationCo-author(s): Larsen, Meggiorini, Melosi
The effects of interest rate Increases on consumers inflation expectation
Mathieu Pedemonte, Inter-American Development Bank presentationCo-author(s): Edward Knotek, James Mitchell, Taylor Shiroff
Households' Subjective Expectations: Disagreement, Common Drivers and Reaction to Monetary Policy
Stefano Pica, Bank of Italy presentationCo-author(s): Clodomiro Ferreira
Inflation and Monetary Policy
Philip R. Lane, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB presentationIntroduction and moderation
Donato Masciandaro, SUERF President & Bocconi University and Chiara Scotti, Deputy Governor, Bank of Italy
The global inflation shock
Gianluca Benigno, University of Lausanne presentationCo-author(s): Ozge Akinci, Hunter Clark, and Marius Koechlin
The Expectations of Other
Ina Hajdini, Cleveland FED presentationCo-author(s): Ezequiel Garcia-Lembergman, John Leer, Mathieu Pedemonte, Raphael Schoenle
A Modern History of Inflation as Conflict
Friedrich Geiecke, London School of Economics presentationCo-author(s): Rustam Jamilov
Phillips and Beveridge Curves are Baaack
Pierpaolo Benigno, University of Bern presentationCo-author(s): Gauti Eggertsson
How Curvy is the Phillips Curve?
Philip Bunn, Bank of England presentationCo-author(s): Lena Anayi, Nicholas Bloom, Paul Mizen, Gregory Thwaites, Ivan Yotzov
Strike the Iron while it's hot: Optimal Monetary Policy with (S,s) Pricing
Dominik Thaler, ECB presentationCo-author(s): Peter Karadi, Anton Nakov, Galo Nuño, Ernesto Pasten
Downward Price Rigidities and Inflationary Relative Demand Shocks
Dennis Bonam, De Nederlandsche Bank presentationCo-author(s): Bart Hobjin
Marianna Riggi, Tiziano Ropele, Alex Tagliabracci (Bank of Italy) and Ernest Gnan (SUERF)