European Investment Bank, 98-100 boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg, 2950, Luxembourg
The Sources of Capital Misallocation in Europe
Robert Goodhead, Central Bank of IrelandThe Rise in Profits and Fall in Firm Entry: A Tale of the Life Cycle of Profits
Has van Vlokhoven, Tilburg UniversityGlobal Robots
Fabrizio Leone, Université Libre de Bruxelles, ECARESInflation, International Transmission of Shocks and Global Production Network
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Unversity of MarylandInvestment in (in)tangibles during COVID and the role of financial constraints
Peter Bauer, European Commission, Joint Research CentreThe effects of the 2021-2022 energy crisis on medium-sized and large industrial firms: evidence from Italy
Annalisa Frigo, Banca d’ItaliaPublic Investment in a Production Network: Aggregate and Sectoral Implications
Iacopo Varotto, Banco de EspañaElectricity price differentials in the EU: impacts on intra-EU competitiveness
Miguel Gil-Tertre, European CommissionPollution Abatement Investment under Financial Frictions and Policy Uncertainty
Chi-Yang Tsou, University of ManchesterBeyond Borders: The Impact of European Carbon Pricing on Industrial Firm Performance
Hanyi Wang, University of California San DiegoThe New Green Economy: Venture Capital, Innovation and Business Success in Cleantech Startups
Antoine Dechezleprêtre, OECDMonetary Policy, Firm Heterogeneity, and the Distribution of Investment Rates
Matthias Gnewuch, European Stability MechanismHow Would European Firms Fund Themselves in The United States?
Hannah Winterberg, International Monetary FundClimate Crossroads: Fiscal Policies in a Warming World
Salma Khalid and Anh Nguyen, International Monetary Fund