15:00-17:00 CET
The global economy is currently facing elevated uncertainty as it continues to grapple with slow-moving, longer-term challenges. What are the implications from shifting policies and geopolitical developments for the outlook on economic growth and inflation? What are implications for public finances and the financial system, what are potential risks for fiscal sustainability and financial stability? How should fiscal and structural policies respond in a situation of already stretched public debt levels? What route should monetary policies take in this uncertain environment, with underlying vulnerabilities and widening imbalances? The IMF’s trio of flagship publications – the World Economic Outlook, the Global Financial Stability Report and the Fiscal Monitor – shed light on these and similar questions twice a year. This e-lecture brings together their authors to present key messages of the three flagship publications. There will be the opportunity for Q&A during the event.
World Economic Outlook
Deniz Igan, Chief of the IMF Research Department’s World Economic StudiesGlobal Financial Stability Report
Jason J. Wu, Assistant Director Monetary and Capital Markets Department · IMFFiscal Monitor
Davide Furceri, Deputy Division Chief, Fiscal Affairs Department · IMF