13:30-15:00 CET
SUERF BAFFI Bocconi E-Lecture on SME Financing: Key findings from the EIF’s new “European Small Business Finance Outlook 2021“.
Topics will include:
o SME access to finance going forward
o European private equity market – Where do we stand, what way forward
o SME Green finance and investment – Where do we stand, what way forward
EIF Research and Market Analysis, Working Paper 2021/75; The European Small Business Finance Outlook 2021 (pdf)
SUERF Policy Note, No 258: “The importance of Private Equity and Venture Capital financing for Greentech companies in Europe”
by Helmut Kraemer-Eis, Antonia Botsari, Salome Gvetadze, Frank Lang and Wouter Torfs, EIF
The importance of Private Equity and Venture Capital financing for Greentech companies in Europe
Helmut Krämer-Eis, Frank Lang and Wouter Torfs, European Investment Fund (EIF) Presentation (pdf)SMEs in COVID times: financial conditions, public support and hints on productivity
Lilas Demmou, OECD Presentation (pdf)The Green Transformation: SMEs, Venture Capital and Investments
Fritzi Köhler-Geib, KfW Presentation (pdf)