

The event is planned both online via Webex and onsite with limited attendance by invitation only at the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna, Kassensaal


hybrid, Vienna


Monday, May 23, 2022
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

In cooperation with

After several years of persistently below-target inflation rates, inflation has been increasing markedly since 2021. This uptrend is global, although it varies across regions. Several driving factors have been identified: the vigorous post-pandemic economic recovery; disruptions in global value chains for intermediate and final goods, due in part to short-term pandemic-related factors and in part to a possible reversal of globalization; cycles in commodity and energy production and prices, some of which may also be related to actual or anticipated climate protection measures; and labor market shortages resulting from pandemic-induced structural changes in labor demand and supply. Whether the rising inflation rates we currently observe are a temporary or more permanent phenomenon has been subject of lively debates among policymakers and academia. Among other things, this question hinges on the reaction of expectations and wages to the rise in headline inflation. Central banks worldwide have come under pressure to change their policy stance. The risk of missing a timely response and of inflation becoming entrenched as a result contrasts with concerns of strangling the economic recovery while uncertainties regarding the future course of the pandemic persist. In addition to the great uncertainties originating from the factors mentioned above, at a political economy level the interplay between monetary policy, fiscal policies and financial stability has become more complicated in a post-pandemic world where high debt, high asset market valuations and climate challenges potentially hamper central banks’ perceived anti-inflationary resolve. Many of these challenges have more recently been accentuated by the economic fallout from the Russian invasion in Ukraine and by sanctions imposed on Russia. This conference concentrates on six topics: secular drivers of inflation in the post-pandemic world; the role and measurement of inflation perceptions and expectations; insights from micro price data; the impact of climate change and climate protection on inflation; the role of policymaking and the interaction of monetary policy, fiscal sustainability and financial stability; and current challenges to inflation forecasting.

Conference Proceedings No 2023/1 “The Return of Inflation” (pdf)


Monday, 23 May 2022
Standing lunch
Welcome remarks
Robert Holzmann, Governor, Oesterreichische Nationalbank presentation
Jakob de Haan, SUERF President I Professor of Political Economy, University of Groningen

Session 1 - Inflation in the 2020s: secular changes
Chair: Robert Holzmann, Governor, Oesterreichische Nationalbank

The Great Demographic Reversal

Manoj Pradhan, Chief Economist, Founder, Talking Heads Macro Ltd presentation
Session 2: Inflation expectations: Role, drivers, whose inflation expectations?
Chair: Ernest Gnan, Head, Monetary Policy Section, Oesterreichische Nationalbank I SUERF Secretary General

The psychology of inflation and money

Pascal Blanqué, Chairman, Amundi Institute presentation

Findings from the ECB’s Consumer Expectations Survey

Geoff Kenny, Head of Section, Monetary Policy Research Division, European Central Bank presentation

Inflation expectation formation – a behavioral economics and finance perspective

Ulrike Malmendier, Professor, University of California, Berkeley

Macroeconomic expectations of households and firms

Michael Weber, Associate Professor, University of Chicago presentation
Policy panel: Monetary policy, policy interaction and inflation in a post-pandemic world with severe geopolitical tensions
Chair: Robert Holzmann, Governor, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Tobias Adrian, Financial Counsellor and Director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF
Andrew Bailey, Governor, Bank of England
Claudio Borio, Head, Monetary and Economic Department, BIS and SUERF Fellow
Joachim Nagel, President, Deutsche Bundesbank

End of panel
Aperitif and dinner at VIENNABallhaus
Dinner speech at VIENNABallhaus
Chair: Robert Holzmann, Governor, Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Dinner speech

Martin Selmayr, Head of Representation to Austria, European Commission I Professor, University of Saarbrücken
Tuesday, 24 May 2022
Academic session A: Household and firm inflation perceptions & expectations

Chair: Fabio Rumler, Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Business Cycles when Consumers Learn by Shopping
Ángelo Gutiérrez-Daza, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona School of Economics

The pass-through from inflation perceptions to inflation expectations (pdf presentation)
Daria Minina, University of Amsterdam
Co-author/s: Stefanie J. Huber, University of Amsterdam and Tobias Schmid, Deutsche Bundesbank

Heterogeneity in Imperfect Inflation Expectations: Theory and Evidence from a Novel Survey (pdf presentation)
James Moberly, University of Oxford
Co-author/s: Alistair Macaulay, University of Oxford

Firms’ inflation expectations: new evidence from France (pdf presentation)
Frédérique Savignac, Banque de France
Co-author/s: Erwan Gautier, Banque de France; Yuriy Gorodnichenko, UC Berkeley; and Olivier Coibion; UT Austin

Unit cost expectations and uncertainty: Firms’ perspectives on inflation (pdf presentation)
Xuguang Simon Sheng, American University
Co-author/s. Brent H. Meyer and Nicholas B. Parker, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Firm level expectations and macroeconomic conditions: Underpinnings and disagreement (pdf presentation)
Pierre Siklos, Wilfrid Laurier University
Co-author/s: Monique Reid, Stellenbosch University

Academic session B: Inflation forecasting & modelling, and the Phillips curve

Chair: Kilian Rieder, Oesterreichische Nationalbank and SUERF Research Affiliate

A neural Phillips curve and a deep output gap (pdf presentation)
Philippe Goulet Coulombe, Université du Québec à Montréal

Heterogeneous information, subjective model beliefs, and the time-varying transmission of shocks (pdf presentation)
Alistair Macaulay, University of Oxford

Anchoring long-run inflation expectations in a panel of professional forecasters (pdf presentation)
Sebastian Rast, European University Institute
Co-author/s: Jonas Fisher and Lenardo Melosi, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Heterogeneous beliefs and the Phillips curve (presentation pdf)
Roland Meeks, International Monetary Fond
Co-author/s: Francesca Monti, King’s College London

Inflation dynamics and forecast: frequency matters
Fabio Verona, Bank of Finland
Co-author/s: Manuel M. F. Martins, University of Porto

Standing lunch
Session 3: Climate change, climate protection and inflation
Chair: Birgit Niessner, Director, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Blandine Barreau, Coordinator, World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency presentation
Elga Bartsch, Head, Economic and Markets Research, BlackRock Investment Institute and SUERF
Christiane Nickel, Head of Division Prices and Costs, European Central Bank presentation
Luiz de Mello, Director, Policy Studies Branch, Economics Department, OECD presentation
SUERF Marjolin Lecture
Chair: Clemens Jobst, Professor, Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna

Inflation and Globalization

Harold James, Professor, Princeton University presentation

SUERF Marjolin Lecture Speech – pdf

SUERF Marjolin Prize

Heterogeneous Information, Subjective Model Beliefs, and the Time-Varying Transmission of Shocks

SUERF Marjolin Prize Winner 2022: Alistair Macaulay, University of Oxford

Paper: Heterogeneous Information, Subjective Model Beliefs, and the Time-Varying Transmission of Shocks

Related link: SUERF Policy Brief, No 337 – Does it matter that households disagree about inflation?


Session 4: What micro price data teach us about the inflation process
Chair: Martin Summer, Head, Research Section, Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Micro price analysis in the US and Canada

Oleksiy Kryvtsov, Senior Research Officer, Bank of Canada presentation

What micro price data teach us about the inflation process: Webscraping in PRISMA

Chiara Osbat, Adviser, European Central Bank presentation

Analyzing scanner data in PRISMA

Fabio Rumler, Lead Economist, Oesterreichische Nationalbank presentation

What can we learn from 60 years of PCE inflation data?

Raphael Schoenle, Associate Professor, Brandeis University presentation
Concluding remarks
Barbara Kolm, Vice President, Oesterreichische Nationalbank presentation

End of conference