
The Swiss National Bank is organising the annual SNB Research Conference on Monetary Policy, to be held in Zurich on 3–4 October 2025.

The conference provides a forum for discussing a wide range of theoretical and empirical issues related to monetary policy. Topics of interest include (but are not restricted to):

  • Inflation dynamics: expectations, shocks, tariffs and monetary policy transmission
  • Robustness of monetary policy: uncertainty, misspecification, misperceptions
  • Monetary policy instruments: optimality of mix, and balance sheet effects
  • Artificial intelligence, economic growth and monetary policy
  • Monetary policy transmission and financial stability
  • Bank runs and lender of last resort

Presenters and discussants are also invited to attend the «Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture Series» that will take place on 2 October 2025.

Call for Papers: Submission deadline 19 March 2025
Those interested in presenting their work should send a PDF file with a draft of their paper to the organising committee at by 19 March 2025. Please mention whether you would like your paper to be also considered for a poster session. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by the end of April. Transportation and accommodation expenses will be covered for presenters and discussants from academic institutions. A conference volume will not be published. Past conference programmes can be found here.

Please find the PDF version of this call here.

Please do not hesitate to forward this announcement to other potential contributors.