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Figure 1. Peak effects of measures corresponding to one per cent of GDP on output in the euro area, the United States and the United Kingdom depending on where the authors work
Per cent

Note. There are 10 (8) [4] studies where all authors work at a central bank (where some of the authors work at a central bank) [where none of the authors work at a central bank] for the euro area, 6 (8) [5] for the United States and 5 (6) [6] for the United Kingdom (UK). The box marks the first and third quartiles, the unbroken line and the cross inside the box mark the median and average, respectively. The vertical lines (whiskers) going out of the boxes mark the highest and lowest values of the observations not interpreted as outliers. Observations more than one and a half times the quartile distance from the box are regarded as outliers and marked with a dot.
Source: Data from Fabo m.fl. (2020).
Figure 2. Total effects of measures corresponding to one per cent of GDP on inflation in the euro area, the United States and the United Kingdom depending on where the authors work
Percentage points

Note. There are 10 (7) [4] studies where all authors work at a central bank (where some of the authors work at a central bank) [where none of the authors work at a central bank] for the euro area, 5 (8) [5] for the United States and 4 (6) [4] for the United Kingdom (UK). The box marks the first and third quartiles, the unbroken line and the cross inside the box mark the median and average, respectively. The vertical lines (whiskers) going out of the boxes mark the highest and lowest values of the observations not interpreted as outliers. Observations more than one and a half times the quartile distance from the box are regarded as outliers and marked with a dot.
Source: Data from Fabo m.fl. (2020).