Date Title Author(s)
9 Jun, 2023 BigTech Credit and Monetary Policy Transmission
Policy Brief

Yiping Huang | Peking University

Xiang Li | Halle Institute for Economic Research

Han Qiu | Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Changhua Yu | Peking University

9 Jun, 2023 Back to the future: gold in international reserves as a new stabilizer (again!) of exchange rate systems
Policy Brief

Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan | St. John’s University

Tarron Khemraj | New College of Florida

9 Jun, 2023 Alexandre Lamfalussy and the origins of instability in capitalist economies
Policy Brief

Ivo Maes | University of Louvain

2 Jun, 2023 Monetary and financial stability – can they be separated?
Policy Note

Isabel Schnabel | European Central Bank (ECB)

1 Jun, 2023 What are the short-to-medium-term effects of extreme weather on the Croatian economy?
Policy Brief

Tihana Škrinjarić | Bank of England

1 Jun, 2023 Navigating the Tightrope: Balancing Financial Stability and Inflation in the Age of Persistent Financial Cycles and Crises
Policy Brief

Thore Kockerols | Norges Bank

Erling Motzfeldt Kravik | Norges Bank

Yasin Mimir | European Stability Mechanism (ESM)

1 Jun, 2023 Assessing the “Tragedy of the Horizons”: Conceptual underpinnings of the NGFS scenarios and suggestions for improvement
Policy Brief

Irene Monasterolo | EDHEC Business School

María J. Nieto | Banco de España

Edo Schets | Bloomberg

25 May, 2023 Lessons from forecast averaging residential investment
Policy Brief

Carlos Canizares Martinez | National Bank of Slovakia

Gabe de Bondt | European Central Bank (ECB)

Arne Gieseck | National Bank of Slovakia

25 May, 2023 Do hawks sit on stronger branches? Central banks’ equity and policy reactions
Policy Brief

Marcel Barmeier | Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Andre Casalis | National Bank of Slovakia

25 May, 2023 Measuring the Temporal Dimension of Text: An Application to Policymaker Speeches
Policy Brief

David Byrne | Central Bank of Ireland

Robert Goodhead | Central Bank of Ireland

Michael McMahon | Central Bank of Ireland

Conor Parle | Central Bank of Ireland

25 May, 2023 Boosting the Green Transition: Greenhouse gas emissions and bank lending
Policy Brief

Koji Takahashi | Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Junnosuke Shino | Waseda University

25 May, 2023 Reforming the Monetary System for the Digital Age
Policy Brief

Burkhard Drees | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Sunil Sharma | George Washington University

25 May, 2023 Don’t blame the government!? An assessment of debt forecast errors with a view to the Economic Governance Review
Policy Brief

Alena Bachleitner | Austrian Fiscal Advisory Council

Doris Prammer | Oesterreichische Nationalbank

19 May, 2023 The environmental goods and services sector is the keystone of net zero: Let’s subsidize it!
Policy Brief

Eric Jondeau | University of Lausanne

Gregory Levieuge | Banque de France

Jean-Guillaume Sahuc | Banque de France

Gauthier Vermandel | Ecole Polytechnique

19 May, 2023 How often and how much do food prices change during periods of high inflation – an analysis of online prices in Austria
Policy Brief

Christian Beer | Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Robert Ferstl | Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Bernhard Graf | Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Fabio Rumler | Oesterreichische Nationalbank

19 May, 2023 What to expect after “effortless” debt reduction in the euro area?
Policy Brief

Matthias Reith | Raiffeisen Bank International

19 May, 2023 Is digitalisation the gamechanger it promised to be for firms’ productivity growth?
Policy Brief

Robert Anderton | University of Nottingham

Vasco Botelho | European Central Bank (ECB)

Paul Reimers | Deutsche Bundesbank

19 May, 2023 Getting up from the floor
Policy Note

Claudio Borio | Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

19 May, 2023 Debt-for-nature swaps: a two-fold solution for environmental and debt sustainability in developing countries?
Policy Brief

Quentin Paul | Banque de France

Romain Svartzman | Banque de France

Pierre-Francois Weber | Banque de France

17 May, 2023 The digital euro: a precautionary device, not a deus-ex-machina
Policy Brief

Ignazio Angeloni | European University Institute (EUI)

11 May, 2023 Euro Area inflation differentials: the role of fiscal policies revisited
Policy Brief

Cristina Checherita-Westphal | European Central Bank (ECB)

Nadine Leiner-Killinger | European Central Bank (ECB)

Teresa Schildmann | European Central Bank (ECB)

11 May, 2023 Commodity prices and the US dollar
Policy Brief

Daniel Rees | Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

11 May, 2023 CBDC Policies in Open Economies
Policy Brief

Michael Kumhof | Bank of England

Marco Pinchetti | Bank of England

Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul | Bank of Thailand

Andrej Sokol | Bloomberg

11 May, 2023 The Big Problem of Small Syndicates
Policy Brief

Mingze Gao | University of Sydney

Iftekhar Hasan | Fordham University

Buhui Qiu | University of Sydney

Eliza Wu | University of Sydney

11 May, 2023 Does IFRS 9 increase banks’ resilience?
Policy Brief

Arndt Kund | European Central Bank (ECB)

Daniel Rugilo | University of Cologne

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