Date Title Author(s)
3 Aug, 2021 Consumption patterns in Italy during COVID-19
Policy Brief

Elisa Guglielminetti | Bank of Italy

Concetta Rondinelli | Bank of Italy

3 Aug, 2021 The dynamics of macroeconomic downside risk
Policy Brief

Davide Delle Monache | Bank of Italy

Andrea De Polis | University of Warwick

Ivan Petrella | Warwick Business School

27 Jul, 2021 Some warning signals about average inflation targeting
Policy Brief

Seppo Honkapohja | Aalto University

Nigel McClung | Bank of Finland

27 Jul, 2021 Consistent recovery and resolution of small and large banks in Europe
Policy Brief

Anne Dyrberg Rommer | Danmarks Nationalbank

Louise Kleiner | Danmarks Nationalbank

27 Jul, 2021 Three questions on the outlook for banking
Policy Brief

Carolyn Rogers | Basel Committee for Banking Supervision

27 Jul, 2021 How green is your budget? Green budgeting practices in the EU
Policy Brief

Elva Bova | European Commission

17 Jul, 2021 Investment funds, monetary policy, and the global financial cycle
Policy Brief

Christoph Kaufmann | European Central Bank (ECB)

14 Jul, 2021 Future Challenges: Old Problems in New Shapes
Policy Brief

José María Roldán | Spanish Banking Association (AEB)

14 Jul, 2021 Evidence of a macroeconomic reversal rate
Policy Brief

Paul Konietschke | European Central Bank (ECB)

Anna Samarina | De Nederlandsche Bank

Irina Stanga | De Nederlandsche Bank

Jan Willem van den End | De Nederlandsche Bank

14 Jul, 2021 Euro area portfolio flows in 2020: the impact of the Covid-19 crisis
Policy Brief

Julia Schmidt | Banque de France

Olivier Sirello | Banque de France

14 Jul, 2021 Gender, women economic concerns and monetary policy decision-making
Policy Note

Sylvie Goulard | Banque de France

14 Jul, 2021 Euro area equity risk premia and monetary policy
Policy Brief

Daniel Kapp | European Central Bank (ECB)

Kristian Loft Kristiansen | Danmarks Nationalbank

14 Jul, 2021 What does “below, but close to, two per cent” mean? Assessing the ECB’s reaction function with real time data
Policy Brief

Maritta Paloviita | Bank of Finland

Markus Haavio | Bank of Finland

Pirkka Jalasjoki | Bank of Finland

Juha Kilponen | Bank of Finland

14 Jul, 2021 Liquidity in the German corporate bond market: has the CSPP made a difference?
Policy Brief

Kathi Schlepper | Deutsche Bundesbank

10 Jul, 2021 What is the true resilience of our financial systems to climate change with the buffers we currently have?
Policy Brief

Alejandro Díaz de León-Carrillo | Banco de México

10 Jul, 2021 Five stylized facts on the Great Lockdown
Policy Brief

Francesco Grigoli | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Daniel Leigh | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Antonio Spilimbergo | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

10 Jul, 2021 Monetary policy surprises trigger different responses in the housing market across European regions
Policy Brief

Winfried Koeniger | University of St.Gallen

Benedikt Lennartz | University of St.Gallen

Marc-Antoine Ramelet | Swiss National Bank

10 Jul, 2021 Global Financial Uncertainty: Does it Matter for the Global Business Cycle?
Policy Brief

Giovanni Caggiano | Monash University

Efrem Castelnuovo | University of Padova

10 Jul, 2021 Barriers to net zero: How firms can make or break the green transition
Policy Brief

Ralph De Haas | EBRD

Ralf Martin | Imperial College London

Mirabelle Muûls | Imperial College London

Helena Schweiger | EBRD

10 Jul, 2021 How climate protection adds to inflation
Policy Brief

Jörg Krämer | Commerzbank AG

Ralph Solveen | Commerzbank AG

8 Jul, 2021 The Future of Bitcoin
Policy Note

Wim Boonstra | Rabobank

8 Jul, 2021 How well are consumers’ inflation expectations anchored to the ECB’s inflation aim?
Policy Brief

Gabriele Galati | De Nederlandsche Bank

Richhild Moessner | Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Maarten van Rooij | De Nederlandsche Bank

8 Jul, 2021 Nearshoring Perspectives after COVID-19: Can Western Balkans Benefit?
Policy Brief

Branimir Jovanovic | Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)

Mahdi Ghodsi | Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)

8 Jul, 2021 Effects of a European Unemployment Benefit Scheme on consumption risk sharing and production efficiency
Policy Brief

Zeno Enders | Heidelberg University

David Vespermann | Heidelberg University

8 Jul, 2021 Women and Monetary Policy
Policy Brief

Paola Profeta | Bocconi University

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