Date Title Author(s)
15 Dec, 2023 Targeted longer-term refinancing operations decreased overall credit costs and boosted economic growth
Policy Brief

Olli-Matti Laine | Bank of Finland

Jaakko Nelimarkka | Bank of Finland

15 Dec, 2023 Transmission of US monetary policy to the labour market: is this time different?
Policy Brief

Luca Fosso | European Central Bank (ECB)

Ine Van Robays | European Central Bank (ECB)

Kasper Goosen | European Central Bank (ECB)

15 Dec, 2023 Climate transition scenarios: short-term economic effects
Policy Brief

Thomas Allen | Banque de France

Mathieu Boullot | Banque de France

Stéphane Dees | Banque de France

Annabelle de Gaye | Banque de France

Noëmie Lisack | European Central Bank (ECB)

Oriane Wegner | Banque de France

15 Dec, 2023 The impact of global warming on inflation: averages, seasonality and extremes
Policy Brief

Maximilian Kotz | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Friderike Kuik | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Eliza Lis | European Central Bank (ECB)

Christiane Nickel | European Central Bank (ECB)

15 Dec, 2023 Financial Education between Market and State: Elicitation, Conflicts of Interest and Certification
Policy Note

Carolina Guerini | Cattaneo University - LIUC

Donato Masciandaro | Bocconi University

15 Dec, 2023 Did Europe break the doom loop of sovereign debt?
Policy Brief

Selva Bahar Baziki | Bloomberg

María J. Nieto | Banco de España

Rima Turk | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

13 Dec, 2023 Capital reallocation towards greener production under climate policy uncertainty
Policy Brief

Makram Khalil | Deutsche Bundesbank

Felix Strobel | Deutsche Bundesbank

7 Dec, 2023 Pension Reform and Saving Behaviour: How Much Does Voluntary Saving Go Down When Mandatory Saving Goes Up?
Policy Brief

Svend E. Hougaard | Copenhagen Business School

Sigurdur P. Olafsson | Copenhagen Business School

Arnaldur Stefansson | University of Iceland

Thorsteinn S. Sveinsson | Central Bank of Iceland

Gylfi Zoega | University of Iceland

7 Dec, 2023 Have (excess) profits been shaping domestic price pressures in Austria?
Policy Brief

Friedrich Fritzer | Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Doris Prammer | Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Lukas Reiss | Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Martin Schneider | Oesterreichische Nationalbank

7 Dec, 2023 FDI screening in advanced economies: anatomy of a rise
Policy Brief

Lorenzo Bencivelli | Bank of Italy

Violaine Faubert | Bank of Italy

Florian Le Gallo | Bank of Italy

Pauline Négrin | Bank of Italy

7 Dec, 2023 Why are debtor countries hesitant to participate in debt relief initiatives?
Policy Brief

Danny Cassimon | University of Antwerp

Dennis Essers | National Bank of Belgium

Andrea Presbitero | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

7 Dec, 2023 Monetary Policy and Labor Income Inequality: the Role of Extensive and Intensive Margins
Policy Brief

Paul Hubert | Banque de France

Frédérique Savignac | Sciences Po

7 Dec, 2023 Joint sovereign debt issuance: old questions, new results
Policy Brief

Daniel P. Monteiro | European Commission

7 Dec, 2023 Eurozone Banks: Higher Reserve Requirements Would Dent Profits And Liquidity
Policy Note

Nicolas Charnay | S&P Global Ratings

Pierre Hollegien | S&P Global Ratings

30 Nov, 2023 Assessing the liquidity premium in the Italian bond market
Policy Brief

Maria Ludovica Drudi | Bank of Italy

Giulio Carlo Venturi | Imperial College London

30 Nov, 2023 Easier said than done: Predicting downside risks to house prices in Croatia
Policy Brief

Tihana Škrinjarić | Bank of England

Maja Sabol | European Parliament

30 Nov, 2023 Monetary policy transmission below zero: In search of the reversal rate
Policy Brief

Zuzana Fungáčová | Bank of Finland

Eeva Kerola | Bank of Finland

Olli-Matti Laine | Bank of Finland

30 Nov, 2023 Monetary policy rules: model uncertainty meets design limits
Policy Brief

Alexander Dück | Goethe University Frankfurt

Fabio Verona | Goethe University Frankfurt

30 Nov, 2023 Lessons from 100 inflation shocks
Policy Brief

Anil Ari | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Carlos Mulas-Granados | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Victor Mylonas | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Lev Ratnovski | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Wei Zhao | International Monetary Fund (IMF)

30 Nov, 2023 When banks’ shadow fades and shadow banking rises: Securitization and loan performance in China
Policy Brief

Di Gong | University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)

Jin Wu | University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)

Jigao Zhu | University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)

30 Nov, 2023 The BBVA Research Geopolitics Monitor: Tracking Geopolitical Sentiment and Events using Natural Language Techniques
Policy Brief

Álvaro Ortiz | BBVA

Tomasa Rodrigo | BBVA

Jorge Sicilia | BBVA

23 Nov, 2023 Fiscal sources of inflation risk in EMDEs: the role of the external channel
Policy Brief

Ryan Banerjee | Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Valerie Boctor | UC Berkeley

Aaron Mehrotra | Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Fabrizio Zampolli | Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

23 Nov, 2023 How usable are capital buffers? An empirical analysis of the interaction between capital buffers and the leverage ratio since 2016
Policy Brief

Georg Leitner | European Central Bank (ECB)

Michal Dvorak | European Central Bank (ECB)

Alessandro Magi | European Central Bank (ECB)

Balazs Zsamboki | European Central Bank (ECB)

23 Nov, 2023 Impact assessment of high inflation on Greek public finances. Does the type of inflation matter? Evidence from a highly indebted country
Policy Brief

Sophia Lazaretou | Bank of Greece

George Palaiodimos | Bank of Greece

23 Nov, 2023 Central banks’ endgame: a new policy paradigm
Policy Note

Mahmood Pradhan | Amundi Investment Institute

Lorenzo Portelli | Amundi Investment Institute

Tristan Perrier | Amundi Investment Institute

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